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Qualities of a Good Transcriptionist

Updated: Jun 28, 2022

a)    Multi-tasking abilities: Doing two things at the same time may not be everybody’s cup of tea, but a transcriptionist has to listen to the audio file and type what she hears accurately. The ability to review the transcript and check carefully for grammatical or other errors is also very important otherwise the client will be unable to understand the transcript at all.

b)     Ability to Research: There may be times when an audio clip is not clearly audible, some words may have not been pronounced correctly or technical jargon may have been wrongly used. Basic knowledge about the industry terminology and topic of the transcript as well as possessing sharp research skills help to minimise such gaps so that the final transcript makes complete sense in just one reading.

c)     Speed and accuracy: Good reliable customer service depends entirely on how fast a transcriptionist can transcribe an audio file. In addition, one also has to have good language skills, understand punctuation and grammatical errors as well as have the ability to decipher different colloquial accents. The speed with which the document is typed, knowledge about the subject matter as well as sound computer skills, are a few of the most important traits required for a good transcriptionist.

d)    Commitment to confidentiality: Keeping all client data secure and confidential is a very crucial aspect of transcriptions. A good transcriptionist does not leak out private information or other details to a third party.

EQ Trans is proud to work with a team of transcribers who are perfectionists in their own right, are disciplined, have the right job qualifications and are committed to producing quality work for clients all over the UK. They also have ample experience in working with clients from different industries. Get in touch with us today to find out more about how we can solve all your transcription requirements.

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