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Virtual Vs Classroom Learning

Updated: Jun 15, 2022

In recent times the worldwide pandemic has made virtual learning a necessity for many people. Until then online courses, and before that correspondence courses, were never considered as good or as valuable as face-to-face learning. Since the option to learn in the classroom has been removed, people have begun to realise that you can learn as much, and you can learn it as well, in a virtual classroom.

One advantage of online learning is that students can work at a pace that suits them. Nearly everyone has come across the situation where they were sitting in a classroom or lecture hall and immediately grasped the concept the teacher was trying to explain, so when the lesson went on about the same topic, they are automatically switched off perhaps missing something else important. By the same token there, was always a different concept that the same person struggled to come to terms with, and often found the teacher didn’t allow enough time for them to fully grasp the subject.

Online learning resolves both these by allowing you to immediately move on once you have learned the material and by the same token it allows you to take as long as you need to learn something else.

Online learning can work in two different ways; one is like a classroom lesson where the teacher faces you on the screen and teaches you something, the other is by getting the information that you need on the Internet and learning it yourself. Some people work best one way, and some people prefer the other, so as long as both of these methods are available there is no reason why online learning shouldn’t work just as well as classroom learning.

Performance can still be measured by the teachers setting tests or asking questions, both in face-to-face and an online learning, and the results of these tests show how much, or how little, of the material the student has understood and taken in.

Another advantage to online lessons is that the student can, or at least should, have access to the lesson in written form as well as spoken. That eliminates the need for notetaking, and notetaking can ruin concentration. This permits students to dedicate one hundred percent of their energy to listening to the lesson, while still having the written notes to study at a later date.

Since the phenomenal of online learning has become so popular, many studies have been done with amazing results. It has been found that online learning is a much greener way to study. This comes from many factors; not only the car pollution getting to and from schools or universities, but the heating and lighting pollution the school or university causes too. Then, the amount of paper used for books and notetaking in schools is done away with. It is believed that online studying is ninety percent greener than face-to-face studying.

Researchers also found that around three quarters of the institutions who offered online learning had much better results with their students than they had when the same students were in the classroom, and they feel that indicates that people learn more and learn better online.

A teacher can record their lesson and the material they want the students to learn and have it transcribed by a reputable company such as London Transcription. They then can distribute this written document to the students, or alternatively students can record the lesson and have it transcribed themselves. Either way, this gives an important written record of what was said and something to look back on to study.

In the end, online learning is the way forward; it’s more effective, it is greener, and people learn more.

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